The Demand Outlook for Sunflower

Report in detail

FAT & Associés is offering a strategic analysis that is designing a bright future for sunflower demand. The whole sector is interviewed: from trading to crushing/refining, from food, feed, biodiesel and Oleochemicals uses. Questionnaire design consists in two open questions: What are today the strengths of sunflower? What is missing to ramp up sunflower on the top of the oilseeds & oils business? Their inputs are digested and challenged. Outcomes are pooled together in order to build a short- medium- and long- term vision for the sunflower demand development

The report is divided into three sections:

  • Chapter 1 Past Demand Analysis
  • Chapter 2 Building on Strengths
  • Chapter 3 Creating New Business Opportunities

You will receive a PowerPoint Report (125+ slides, including over 100 diagrams), plus one hour virtual meeting presentation.
